Paygate launches an automatic notification service for real estate property status change

Paygate announced on the 13th that it will provide a P2P investment open information service through the 'Open Real Estate' service of its partner legal platform LAWFIN.

Paygate is a company that provides Seyfert, a separate storage platform for P2P financial platforms (P2P loans).

All P2P financial companies that operate real estate property are eligible to participate in the 'Open Real Estate' service.

P2P financial service providers participating in this service can automatically guide and secure the collateral (registered) status of real estate investment products to all investors through LAWFIN's 'Open Real Estate' service.

The 'Open Real Estate' service is a service that automatically checks the status of real estate registration and is notified through a notification when the registered change is confirmed. Investors can be informed of the collateral status of investment products by simply applying for 'notification'.

Collateral status information is guided without processing using the Supreme Court registration information.

The company said that if the Online Investment-linked Financial Service Act is in full force, transparent disclosure of investment products and the resulting investor trust can act as an important factor in attracting investment.


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